Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Pay Student Loan Debts
Many people owe student loan debt that they are unable to repay. Defaulting on this debt can result in severe consequences as student loan creditors have implemented more aggressive collection action. They are issuing garnishments of wages and tax refunds, including federal tax refunds which are typically not subject to garnishment. It is also important to note that federal student loan creditors are able to garnish wages and tax refunds without first obtaining a judgment. Fortunately, a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can be filed to immediately stop these actions and provides an affordable payment plan to deal with the student loan debt. Student loan debt cannot be canceled in bankruptcy, however, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will provide an extended period of time to pay back the debt based on what you can afford. If you owe student loan debt that you are unable to repay, please contact Bishop Law Offices for a free consultation.